SUSTAINABILITY Promoting Sustainability

Our Group has established Materiality as an essential element for realizing its “Sustainability Vision,” which is the vision it aims to achieve in 2050, under its management philosophy and Purpose. Toward this milestone, “terrAWell30,” we will work to create new corporate value through the resolution of social issues and contribute to the reduction of the burden on the global environment, resource recycling, and the healthy lives of people.

Basic approach to sustainability

Our business activities utilize resources on the earth, such as air and water and create products, services, and solutions “indispensable” for people’s lives and industry, while leveraging diverse technologies, unique business models, and know-how. Based on these characteristics, we have defined the society we should aim for to realize “terrAWell30,” in terms of both global environmental and wellness perspectives. We aim to maximize corporate value by solving social issues through our business and linking those solutions to the sustainable growth of our Group.


Human Capital Management

We develop next-generation management personnel, respect diversity (DE&I), and promote proactive choice of their own careers, for realizing “management that makes the most of people.”

Human Capital Management


Environmental Initiatives

We commit ourselves to realize a “decarbonized society,” a “resource-recycling society,” and a “society where people and nature coexist” under our Environmental Vision 2050, and work to reduce our impact on the global environment.

Environmental Initiatives


Human Rights

We are taking steps to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, including assessments to identify and evaluate potential human rights risks in our Group.

Human Rights

For more detailed sustainability data, please visit our website. (Key ESG data)