BUSINESS Health & Safety

Business Development Outline

Mid-to Long-Term Policy / Growth Strategy
1. Strengthening Profitability
- Adjusting prices to reflect rising costs of materials and labor, including medical gas and equipment construction
- Reducing costs through self-manufacturing in consumer health (injection needles, sanitary materials)
- Improving productivity through labor-saving investments in safety services and aerosols
- Streamlining business sites for hospitals by integration/reorganization
2. Bolstering the hospital business by reorganizing group companies
- Integrating development, manufacturing, sales, and maintenance of medical equipment and nursing care products, etc.
- Developing medical equipment using digital technology
3. Expanding home healthcare & consumer health
- Creating new services for home rehabilitation
- Expanding OEM in injection needles
- Expanding OEM/ODM in cosmetics
4. Reinforcing the Safety Services
- Responding to strong demand for data centers and shipbuilding in the gas fire extinguishing field
Established an integrated system for development, manufacturing, sales, and maintenance of medical equipment.
Now advancing more needs-driven development, such as ultra-fine rigid endoscopes.
In July 2023, we have concentrated the medical business resources in our Group, including personnel and technology, into Air Water Medical Inc. Positioning it as a core company in the medical business, we have built an integrated structure from development to manufacturing, sales, and maintenance in order to enhance our manufacture’s capabilities. It allowed us to better capture various needs of the medical field. Working with the Healthcare Development Center and the Healthcare Imaging Division, we continue to create products such as the ultra-fine rigid endoscope that was jointly developed with Keio University.

* The photo below shows a comparison with a conventional rigid endoscope (right)